Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Orange Sheep

Gw nyoba Doubutsu Uranai Premium karena liat di blog orang..
And the result is...

You are Orange Sheep, who is quiet sort, and is a touchable person.
But you possess feminine attraction as well.
This may seem like flirting to fellow women, and may be misunderstood by men.
You are a sociable, but tend to keep a distance from people, and will not show your real emotions and feelings easily.
Although you are modest, you are a proud person as well.
You don't apologize or yield to things.
You have great tactics to make others take in your demand, without them realizing taht they are doing so.
You are extremely good at negotiating and bargaining.
You tend to feel isolated, and in order to overcome that loneliness, you have lots of interests.
You have sharp eyes, and can make your ideals come true by effectively adopting other people's expectations.
Although you lack leadership sort of action, you have perseverance to take up any challenge.
You can also use money efficiently, and therefore you are a shrewd shopper.
You are good at catching the heart of men.
You will be liked by different type of people.
But this may give them false idea, and cause misunderstanding.
Although you may take men lightly, once married, you will become a devoted wife and a mother.

nge-blog lagi... \\(^0^)//

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011
At Depok, my lovely bedroom.

Setelah sekian lama ngga nge-blog lagi, Alhamdulillah saya bisa nge-blog lagi... :')
Benar-benar terharu dengan momen ini.. *lebaiy*

Jadi begini, knapa sampe saya ngga apdet postigan blog, tapi saya tetep nulis di Ms. Word, adalah dikarenakan setting blogspot di laptop entah knapa error gitu, dan itu mempengaruhi mood untuk mosting curhatan...
Pas nyoba ke Platinum (warnet di Jogja, deket kosan, yang biasa saya sambangi), ternyata bisa...
Tapi ngga mungkin kan kalo tiap hari atau tiap minggu kesana cuma buat aplot curhatan..?

Jadi... Yang saya lakukan saat kemarin tidak nge-blog adalah merapikan curhatan-curhatan yang tersebar di banyak Ms. Word di laptop, dan menyusun urutannya serapi mungkin... :)

Soo.. Here I come!
Sedang berpikir apakah saya akan meng-aplot smua curhatan, atau beberapa aja yang "lolos sensor"..?

Intinya, saya seneeeengg bangett tampilan blogspot di laptop udah bener..
Karena saya suka curhat (dan dicurhatin), skaligus suka nulis..

Oke.. Mungkin mesti di stop dulu kali yaa nulisnya sekarang...
Mesti fokus rapiin smua paper matkul konsentrasi, yaa sambil diselipin buka-buka blogspot, FB, Twitter, de el el.. ^^9