Friday, January 23, 2015

Writing in English for Dakwah

Depok, 23 Januari 2015
(11:42 AM)

I remember, when I was in first high school, one of my friend Rafika said (in Bahasa, but I translate here), "it's not about how genius you are. It's NOTHING if you cannot make people understand of what you said. That is why important for us learning English, so the world can know your thoughts. Because now we are living in the world where English became the global's language."

She's true.

Seems like her statement stick around on my mind.

Anyway, this morning, one of my friend, Nurul, commented about my willing to repeal #EnglishDay that our group doing every Friday.

I replied in WhatssApp, actually, I was really really want to write my blog in English, too.

I do really want to write in English about Islam and many people around the world can read and understand Islam from my writings.

That's why, now, this posting will be my first writing in English and the topic is all about Islam.

I wish you can take many benefits from my writings about Islam. Bi idznillaah... (^_^)

Of course, I just write about Islam from sources can be trusted.

I apologize, I really do, if my English not so good like other people. And I pray, all of you who read my blog understand what I mean. No one mis-understand. Aamiiiiin Allaahumma aamiiiiin...

Inshaa Allaah my first writing about Islam after this : Deal With Islam Haters. This topic came up after last night I replied a tweet for someone who asked, "Does @aamir_khan Have the Balls to Show Islamic Torture upon Children in Mohraam?"

I replied that Moslem is different with Shia. But he resisted and wrote these :

ohh u mental shias are moosleem go and check yr head

why shia reading kuran and believing alla? u need dr. dont waste my time one alla one book and 53 caste system

get lost u idot yr ummah and alla are lying on our foot

yr alla and muhhad already burnign in fire go and see where are they belive champak book instead of kuran
shias are muslims that the truth bloody idiots
no muslim aur xians will see the face of heaven ever we are challenging

First, I thought that he was Moslem too and he defended Shia. But after some his tweets I knew that he was not a Moslem, and I guessed he knew too about Hadith Rasulullaah that said about Islam will be divided into 73 groups (he wrote "53 caste system").

Shia is wrong and there are people out there think otherwise.

And what I should do is keep writing to straighten mis-understand about Rasulullaah and Islam, insyaa Allaah... Hopefully listed as acts of worship (ibadah).. Aamiiiiin Allaahumma aamiiiiin...

Rasulullaah Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam (Please Be Upon Him) once said, "spread my message even it's one ayat." [HR Bukhari]

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Muraja'ah Hafalan Qur'an di Hadapan Allah Langsung

Depok, 20 Januari 2015
17.44 WIB

Berikut potongan salah satu kajian Ustadz Bachtiar Nasir di Youtube saat sesi tanya-jawab dengan mahasiswa :

Menghafal Qur'an itu harus dinikmati. 
Nah, me-muraja'ah-nya waktu yang paling bagus itu bukan di sholat. Di sholat itu muro'jaah itu kalo sudah mateng.  
Emang muraja'ah paling hebat itu waktu sholat.
Niatnya begini, kenapa muraja'ah di shalat?Karena kalian akan me-muraja'ah hafalan di hadapan Allah langsung. Itu rahasianya. 
Jadi orang yang mengulang hafalan di waktu sholat, niat dia sebetulnya, kenapa itu menjadi hebat dan tambah kuat hafalannya, karena dia akan me-muraja'ah di hadapan Allah langsung. Dahsyat itu sebetulnya. 
Dan orang yang mau me-muraja'ah-nya di hadapan Allah, itu lebih hebat daripada di hadapan Muhafidz atau Gurunya, sehingga persiapannya mesti banyak.  
Caranya gimana?Sebelum tidur, dihafal dulu, 45 menit sebelum tidur itu waktu yang paling tepat untuk menancapkan hafalan.Dan 1 jam setelah bangun tidur itu juga paling bagus menghafal Qur'an.

Pic from WhatssApp Group

Lalu ini ada kutipan tulisan Ustadz DM Makhyaruddin di halaman 236 dari bukunya berjudul "Rahasia Nikmatnya Menghafal Al-Qur'an (Berdasarkan Pengalaman Penulis yang Hafal Al-Qur'an Dalam 56 Hari" :

Membaca Al-Qur'an dalam shalat sama dengan menyetorkan hafalan kepada Allah Swt. Dia sendiri yang akan mendengarkan dan mengoreksi hafalan dan bacaan Anda.

Smoga kita semua diberikan Allah hidayah untuk menghafal 30 Juz dalam Al-Qur'an dan slalu bersemangat menghafalnya hingga akhir hayat. Aamiiiiin Allahumma aamiiiiin...